Fast Track to JuanTax

This course is design for Self Employed taxpayers and JuanTax first time users. Videos in this course will provide some of the basic understanding and functionalities of the platform and what you should remember when setting up your JuanTax account.
Course Features
- Lectures 21
- Quizzes 20
- Duration 35:22 mins
- Skill level Beginner
- Language English
- Students 304
- Certificate Yes
- Assessments Self
Your Portal And Dashboard
Set Up Your Personal & Account Settings
Turn On E-Filing
Books of Accounts in JuanTax
Adding Transactions
Filing And Payment of Tax Forms
Final Steps and Preparation
Rundown of the Correct Settings
Marijo Alaine Salvanera
So efficient and helpful
I don't like numbers even before back in college days but I need to face this to further understand my business. So far I am loving JuanTax. It's so efficient and helpful.